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July so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
Total Entries: 19605
This Months Entries: 43
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squiz (22 entries)
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squiz (Stoke Factor: 66 )
maker (Stoke Factor: 65 )
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Member Details Session Description
Toys Used
Owner: Airborne

Member#: 325
Registered: 19-08-2003
Diary Entries: 3

Mood: Well and truly Stoked!
3rd August 2004
Boogie Boarding: Breitagnolles sur mer, Vendee, France
Wind Direction: NW
Wind Stength: Light Onshore 10mph(?)
Surf / Sea State: Swell
Air Temperature: 36+
Sea Temperature: 20+
Weather: sunny, broken cloud, Hot
Max Speed:
Distance Covered:

I just had the best waves in the Vendee i've ever seen there!
Perfect bodyboarding waves for me! Not to high (so not to scary for my skill) Very small tube sometimes but perfect glassy walls to ride along.
Surf, swell....even though the wind was onshore!
All this, plus i got masses of rides in slightly crowded water....but i managed with the help of tips from the spongers on this forum managed to ride my first 40 plus waves of actually doing sponging pro style (riding along it and not just with the whitewater because of the great waves). And i learnt how to do spins. Stoked!
All the family was in the warm water and it was one of the best swell/surf conditions you can get on Les Dunes beach, apart from the onshore wind. Had it been ofshore the place would have been going off! But, that place does have a tendancy to blow out. Perfect sessions continuing from Tues (3rd) to Fri and stayed decent throughout the stay.
Toys Used:
Manta Elite 40 inch



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