
Member#: 218 Location: Registered: 11-05-2003 Diary Entries: 42
Mood: don't like winter.....too dark
3rd May 2003
Windsurfing: Bartley Green BRUM Wind Direction: SW Wind Stength: 3-4 Surf / Sea State: Flat Air Temperature: Sea Temperature: Weather: Max Speed: Distance Covered:
Arrived midday, but peed off to find next to no wind. Decided to clean kit
after recent Devon trip.
Pithered about doing this for a while, eventually noticing that wind had
picked up. Spent ages rigging up 6.8 + 8.0 in the hope that the wind might
be consistent enough for debut session on Flow 276......it wasn't.
Good blasting session on Techno - need to concentrate more on those gybes
Approx 3hrs on water.
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