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January so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
Total Entries: 19862
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Member Details Session Description
Toys Used
Owner: redmullet

Member#: 1225
Location: Aberdeen
Registered: 16-02-2005
Diary Entries: 93

Mood: Pleasantly chilled!
16th October 2005
Windsurfing: Ythan Estuary, Aberdeen
Wind Direction: SSW
Wind Stength: 15 to 25mph
Surf / Sea State: Flat
Air Temperature: Warm
Sea Temperature: Warm
Weather: Sunny
Max Speed:
Distance Covered:

Had a great chance to test out the 8.0m Strike F and Sychro 115 combination in a bit more wind than I had done before. Most people opted for 6.0 to 7.0 m sails, but because the tide was coming into the estuary basin the same direction as the wind, I decided to go big. Good decision, as I was nicely powered up the whole time, with no problems getting upwind against the flow of the water. Brilliant blasting conditions, and planed round a good proportion of my gybes. Great opportunity to scream full tilt passed guys out on slightly underpowered gear - makes a change from me being in that situation which has been the case so many times in the past. Wish I'd had a GPS to check what speed I was doing. Had a great few hours on the water, and the kit was working really well, but I had to pack up a bit early than I would have liked - due to decorating commitments, hence the 4 stars rather than 5!.
Toys Used:
Mistral Synchro 115L
Rushwind Strike F 8.0 m
Rushwind Freerace Fusion C85 490
MK Ergo 145-245



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