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February so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
Total Entries: 19892
This Months Entries: 17
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Member Details Session Description
Toys Used
Owner: Kitefish

Member#: 945
Location: Shrewsbury
Registered: 31-08-2004
Diary Entries: 40

15th January 2006
Kite surfing: Magawish Egypt
Wind Direction: NNW
Wind Stength: 17 knots gusting to 20+
Surf / Sea State: Big CHOP
Air Temperature: 22
Sea Temperature: 22
Weather: Sunshine
Max Speed: too fast
Distance Covered: miles

Wind gusty although avg 17 knots, opted for 14m at times well under powered then ballistic. Lots of scarry death runs, jumping from wave to wave (not through design or choice ). Got lofted like a polaris and lost sight of my board, took an age to body drag to it, madegood use of the rescue service again. Jon was setting up his 17 when I got in, managed to persuade him that was not such a good idea. He went out on the 12 and was sufficeintly powered. I launched my 11 but got going when chicken loop came undone, not sure about this riding unhooked at my level, got abit of a spanking (another rescue). These guys that work here have my upmost respect and they love it, gives you huge confidence to go for it. Must remember that they won't be there when back at Borth. Having top time.
Toys Used:
Crazyfly  138x39
Flexifoil Storm 2 14
Flexifoil Strike 11



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