
Member#: 5 Location: Registered: 24-07-2002 Diary Entries: 71
Mood: Well Chuffed
6th July 2003
Other: Hollywell Bay Wind Direction: Wind Stength: none Surf / Sea State: none Air Temperature: Sea Temperature: Weather: Sunny Max Speed: Distance Covered:
Having stayed over with friends in Hollywell bay for a BBQ saturday night
we headed into the sand dunes sunday morning to have a go at "tobogganing"
down the dunes with some sledge type thingy's we had found. What great fun
we had, we found a nice big steep slope and spent the morning hurtling down
it and getting covered in sand, defiantly great fun when there is no wind
or surf, and I'm sure the climbing back up the dunes was great exercise.
Have a look though the photo's they are good for a giggle.
Click for Photo's
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