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February so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
Total Entries: 19891
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Member Details Session Description
Toys Used
Owner: MartinF

Worst Wipeout Award 2003

Member#: 72
Registered: 28-10-2002
Diary Entries: 184

Mood: needing time out
29th July 2006
Windsurfing: Porthcawl - Newton
Wind Direction: S-SE
Wind Stength: F4-3
Surf / Sea State: flattish
Air Temperature: 19
Sea Temperature: warm
Weather: wet
Max Speed:
Distance Covered:

When Nigel & I Arrived, it looked like there was plenty of wind on the rapidly retreating water. By the time I'd rigged up my 6.2m, and approached the water's edge, it had spookily dropped to being just marginal.

Nigel had been out planing for a while when I set off into the dead onshore wind and ever-narrowing channel. 150m out, and a submerged rock took my skeg off - snapped off completely. Amazing since I wasn't even planing at the time.

Sideways slide back to the beach & out with my 2nd hand spare fin. It doesn't fit properly. Never mind, crank the screw down as tight as poss & set off only to find the wind's now dropped, and planing happens only in one's imagination. Bugger.

The heavens open and the winds remains tantalisingly just below the threshold. After lots of musing with Kelvin and a couple of others, decide to pack up.

Now find ill-fitting skeg semi-permanently fitted to board. Managed to remove it at home with a large rubber mallet.

Thanks to Nigel for kindly pulling open his trailer hook-up plug to note the wiring. Not a thing one would normally do at Porthcawl, but as I'd ripped the plug off my trailer whilst unhitching it in my haste & anger after finding cars parked in the turning circle, it came in very handy.

No wonder I'm going off windsurfing.
Toys Used:
Fanatic Cross 110
Tushingham Vulcan 6.2m
Tushingham Primal Wave C45 450
Neil Pryde Full Carbon Wave 150-198
Maui Fin Co Cross 32cm
Christian Koesler Crossover 29
Neil Pryde UXT26 extension 26cm
F2 Deckplate/UJ #1 



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