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February so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
Total Entries: 19891
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Member Details Session Description
Toys Used
Owner: paul

Member#: 5
Registered: 24-07-2002
Diary Entries: 71

Mood: Well Chuffed
18th July 2003
Sailing: Falmouth
Wind Direction: S
Wind Stength:
Surf / Sea State:
Air Temperature:
Sea Temperature:
Weather: sunny
Max Speed:
Distance Covered:

Another Friday evening yacht race and we got a good bit of wind too, defiantly blowing a good force 4/5 with some stronger gusts, we had a different jib which was much lighter than the others and a lot easier to handle plus it performed really well. With the southerly wind it was a broad reach for the start, and although we had the digital countdown we were a little quick on the line so had to tack back and then back again to avoid jumping the line, which put us in the middle of the royal cornwall fleet that were heading down but we stayed ahead and to windward of them and crossed the line with the rest of the fleet heading to the first mark, the fleet were really closely bunched at the first mark, and although we were last round there wasn't much in it. We then had a port tack reach to the next mark and as it was quite a way off the wind we got the jib goose winged out and started to gain on the boats in front, after rounding the downwind mark we seemed to be struggling to get power in the mainsail which we traced to the topping lift, after loosening that it was a lot better and we tacked onto starboard to head back toward the windward mark, at which point the wind really picked up and the boat was a bit of a handful but we were making good ground even if the dodges were well underwater, we even crossed in front of a couple of boats so we must have made a little ground up. It was quite a long beat and we lost a little ground after failing to lay the mark, probably because of not allowing for the tide pushing us back down the river, then it was another couple of broad reaches before the final beat, all the time we seemed to be catching the boat in front and although we were last across the line it wasn't by much. Just got to wait and find out what the result was after the adjustments for handicap now. We then sailed onto the mooring (second attempt) and then got the water taxi back to the shore to find that we had pretty much won the race back to the bar, so it was time for a pint and a pasty, a great evenings sailing.
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