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February so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
Total Entries: 19891
This Months Entries: 16
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Member Details Session Description
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Owner: paul

Member#: 5
Registered: 24-07-2002
Diary Entries: 71

Mood: Well Chuffed
1st August 2003
Sailing: Falmouth
Wind Direction:
Wind Stength: f3
Surf / Sea State:
Air Temperature:
Sea Temperature:
Max Speed:
Distance Covered:

Had our friday evening yacht race, the wind was about force 3, and we got a perfect start, it really couldn't have been any better, first over with clear water behind, we crossed the line dead on the gun and on starboard tack, right at the windward end of the start line, what a result, for the first time ever we were able to look behind and see the whole fleet behind, what a great feeling. Needless to say it didn't last, a few of the much larger boats got past us up the first beat. As we approached the first mark, we were still doing ok, then the boat inside us got put about by a boat coming up on starboard, which in turn put us about, and then things got in a mess as there was very little wind at the mark and there was a strong current pushing us away from the mark, so we got somehwat stuffed at the mark and having had a couple of failed attempts to get to the mark and been foiled by another boat that couldn't get round the mark but had right of way over us so we ended up having to sail away and cut through the moorings to make the mark, unfortuantly this put us last in our fleet. Once round the mark we got the spinaker up and set about catching the boats in front, we over took one on the next leg, then got past 3 more on the next beat, but by this time we were a good leg at least behind the lead boats and the wind was dropping away, but since we had a good sail (apart from the 1st mark) we cut our losses and abandoned the racing and headed for the bar. A really good evening, we got 2 firsts, first across the line and first in the bar, so thats not bad, and even though we lost a lot of ground we did manage to catch some othe boats, so we are still improving. A nice way to start the weekend.
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