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July so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
Total Entries: 19605
This Months Entries: 43
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Member Details Session Description
Toys Used
Owner: Kitefish

Member#: 945
Location: Shrewsbury
Registered: 31-08-2004
Diary Entries: 40

10th November 2007
Kite surfing: Ynyslas Borth
Wind Direction: NW
Wind Stength: 15 - 25 Knots
Surf / Sea State: Rough
Air Temperature: cool
Sea Temperature: 12
Weather: Changeable
Max Speed:
Distance Covered:

One of my best sessions every. Great to see such a turn out from the massif (looked a shade quiet on the Dovey side). At long last (only waited six months) got some new toys to play with. Col turned up with the Flexifoil Ion 2, pumped up the 14.5 but chickened out as the wind picked up, so went out on the 10.5. What a kite, by far the best kite I have flown. Suppose it is because they feel like the strike. Loved that kite, for my ability just felt like I could do so much more, great floaty lift. Got to have some so couple of Ocean Rodeos and a few flexi strikes for sale. Top day.
Toys Used:
Crazyfly  138x39



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