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January so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
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Member Details Session Description
Toys Used
Owner: axxis

Member#: 171
Registered: 12-03-2003
Diary Entries: 18

25th October 2003
Windsurfing: Orient Park, Midmar Dam, South Africa
Wind Direction: WNW
Wind Stength: 25knots +
Surf / Sea State: 1ft chop
Air Temperature: 24
Sea Temperature: 19
Weather: partly cloudy
Max Speed:
Distance Covered:

Best session I've had at midmar. Awesome wind.

Arrived at 5:30a expecting early berg-wind. Was blowing in PMB, in fact, woke me at 5:00a. Blowing on Town hill but dead at the top. Dead calm at dam. At about 6:00a, small gusts came across water, nothing to speak of. 6:30a, another set of gusts, some white caps. Rigged.

Not a chance. De rigged, ready to leave. Gareth calls to say howling in PMB. Still about 7 knots at dam. Wait. 7:00a, Alistair calls to say howling in PMB. Still about 8knots. Wait. Alistair says it will come. 7:20a, some wind coming across water, a few white caps. Start to rig. Half way through rigging I see it. Nuclear. Call Alistair, lock truck and launch.

Straight onto plane, starboard tack towards game reserve. Gybe and get straight onto a plane heading to dam wall. Tack out from shore making progressively longer reaches. Don't want to go into a wind-shadow I didn't know about. A bit gusty but usually on a plane within 30secs or so. About 100m out. Starting beautiful long reaches, nicely powered on 6.3. Try a few jumps. Lots of spin out but recover some easily. Easy to cut upwind.

Alistair arrives. Sail two broad reaches in to sail with him. He gets easily on the plane on his SE 5.8. We sail together delicious long reaches about 2.4km between dam wall and game reserve. Lovely port-tack jumps off chop. Wind is building all the time. We stop at dam wall to downhaul the 5.8, Alistair is a little overpowered.

More beautiful runs. Someone has a speed boat out ! They are heading for the yacht club trying to blast through the large swell. they are cutting across my path but I haul them in easily all the same. I must be going almost twice their speed. Cut neatly across the boat's wake. Sail craft 1, powered craft 0.

Wind continues to build. Alistair and I sail in formation. I see him spinning out and easily overtake. Look back to snigger. He is recovering. I have shifted my weight too far forward; gust hits and I go for massive fling around mast. Yelling to alert Al if he hasn't seen it. Come to surface and close mouth so as not to let his board go down my throat. Somehow he has missed me.

More overpowered sailing. Keith Diedriks has launched a wave board and is sailing closer to shore. Alistair and I call it a day. Exhausted but happy.

Gareth sails later and is completely overpowered on his Naish 5.2. Reckons it must be close to 40knots.

Toys Used:
F2 axxis 278
Ezzy Wave SE 6.3
Neil Pryde Freeride 460
Pro Line  155-195
ProLimit Seat Large



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