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January so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
Total Entries: 19859
This Months Entries: 16
My Total Entries: 0
My Entries this Month: 0
Most Active Members:
squiz (11 entries)
maker (5 entries)
Most Stoked Members:
squiz (Stoke Factor: 37 )
maker (Stoke Factor: 16 )

The 25 most recent diary entries found for badexcuseforasailor are shown below.
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Date Username
Activity Location
3rd August 2008 badexcuseforasailor Mt. Biking Cwmcarn
No. of views: 2047

2nd August 2008 badexcuseforasailor Mt. Biking Brecon Becons
No. of views: 1561

29th July 2008 badexcuseforasailor Mt. Biking woburn Sands
No. of views: 1803

27th July 2008 badexcuseforasailor Mt. Biking woburn Sands
No. of views: 1843

5th July 2008 badexcuseforasailor Windsurfing Hayling Island, poo bay
No. of views: 2282

23rd June 2008 badexcuseforasailor Windsurfing El Tur
No. of views: 1601

25th May 2008 badexcuseforasailor Mt. Biking Ruthin
No. of views: 1902

24th May 2008 badexcuseforasailor Mt. Biking Llandegla
No. of views: 1776

27th April 2008 badexcuseforasailor Mt. Biking Bingley Bash
No. of views: 1863

26th April 2008 badexcuseforasailor Mt. Biking Haworth
No. of views: 1948

20th April 2008 badexcuseforasailor Mt. Biking Ashridge
No. of views: 1847

5th April 2008 badexcuseforasailor Mt. Biking Snowdon
No. of views: 1822

23rd March 2008 badexcuseforasailor Mt. Biking Coed y Brenin
No. of views: 1830

16th March 2008 badexcuseforasailor Mt. Biking Ashridge
No. of views: 2092

15th March 2008 badexcuseforasailor Mt. Biking Ashridge
No. of views: 2057

8th March 2008 badexcuseforasailor Windsurfing Hayling Island, poo bay
No. of views: 2084

2nd March 2008 badexcuseforasailor Mt. Biking Brogbrough
No. of views: 1969

23rd February 2008 badexcuseforasailor Mt. Biking Ashridge
No. of views: 1833

17th February 2008 badexcuseforasailor Mt. Biking Llandegla
No. of views: 1657

16th February 2008 badexcuseforasailor Mt. Biking Marin Trail
No. of views: 1813

3rd February 2008 badexcuseforasailor Mt. Biking woburn Sands
No. of views: 1635

28th January 2008 badexcuseforasailor Skiing Melchsee Frutt
No. of views: 1707

27th January 2008 badexcuseforasailor Skiing Melchsee Frutt
No. of views: 2038

26th January 2008 badexcuseforasailor Skiing Melchsee Frutt
No. of views: 1764

25th January 2008 badexcuseforasailor Skiing Melchsee Frutt
No. of views: 1938

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