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11/12/13th August..Dyfi Pikeys or Borth Massif
jon d hat - 6-8-2006 at 19:26

Well I'm not trying to wish my life away, but after a long wkend at work, I need to look forward to something..

At the moment Its looking north westerly for next Friday so Borth Massif on the cards, but hey...anything could happen between now and then. Dont know what Dovey is like in that direction? Can anyone out there enlighten me?

Luckily, I have Friday off too so can blast accross Thurs night to avoid the caravans. Anyone about? Think Nick the crazy frog is trying to keep friday free, Keen as

[Edited on 6-8-2006 by jon d hat]

col123 - 7-8-2006 at 17:31

i should be up for the weekend but the misses has come up with the idea that we walk up snowdon next weekend.........i'll just pretend i didn't hear her

jon d hat - 7-8-2006 at 18:05

You could always tie her up and gag her col, mmm she might enjoy that. b Maybe you'd best stick with your first idea.

If you have to go off walking, we'll have more toys to play with

See you there Col


[Edited on 7-8-2006 by jon d hat]

dunk - 7-8-2006 at 22:54

Sorry dude,
I won't be over till next Monday, the wind was doing strange things today, one mintute powered on a 12 next thing no wind at all, an the kite fallin out the sky. The sailin was cool when the wind was there, but a bit scary on your own!
see you all next week, def Dovey for the weekend, party time agaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiii nnnnnnnnnnnnnn!

shem - 8-8-2006 at 08:45

Dyfi sides sweet in a NW, its also cross off shore on the wave out side the lagoon, which is awesome if theres enough swell.

nick-r - 8-8-2006 at 18:24

shem, that sounds tempting,,,i just can't wait for the weekend..either or!!!!!..spoiled for choice...... ...roll on thursday evening...

who told the reef girls that dunk drives a caravan

[Edited on 8-8-2006 by nick-r]

carlessd - 8-8-2006 at 20:17

i reckon i'll be there could do with a good session after my trip ta france!!!! will either be fri night or sat morn, but i think i got jordan with me so will more likely be borth side, that said i wouldn't mind dyfi. dessions desisions

Paulh360 - 9-8-2006 at 09:13

Finally planned a weekend at Shell Island with the chick !! coming up early Saturday so hopefully see a few of you guys on the beach

darren byrne - 9-8-2006 at 11:29

If the forecast stays as it is, I'll be there. Dovey or Borth, don't know!!??! Whats Dovey like for kipping down in the car? Where do you park etc??

col123 - 9-8-2006 at 15:09

borth side for me, oh no not more new toys to play with ..will be there late friday night till sunday

markyboarder - 9-8-2006 at 17:52

You can count me in, dudes!

leonardo - 10-8-2006 at 06:16

Over at Dovey saturday arvo and Sunday..Sunday looking good.

danh - 10-8-2006 at 08:03

Il be in dovey friday night, its looking good. Think i might be giving the cemetry a go and hoping for some nice waves.

steveo - 10-8-2006 at 08:16

Will down Friday lunch time, dovey side, should be a good weekend dudessssssssssssssss.

Kitefish - 10-8-2006 at 08:32

Yo dudes, managed to get a connection thats works. Still in Turkey, sat in the surf cafe on the beach this moment waiting for the guaranteed wind to build. Have been kiting everyday for about 5 hours, wind between 13 and 20 knots. unfortunately this is my last day, but hopefully I will be back with the massif sometime saturday, hopefullly get a chance to put my new skills to test in the waves at borth.
Carch you later dudes.

justal - 10-8-2006 at 09:19

Neil... All the airports are shut in the UK..... Hope you manage to get back!!


baileyman - 10-8-2006 at 10:14

Dooooods - Will be Dovey side Sat afternoon - can't wait

dunk - 10-8-2006 at 10:20

I'm in Dovey for 7 days from Monday.
Anybody hanging around next week????????
Go on Whoosh you know ya wana

shem - 10-8-2006 at 16:06

With high tide being huge and at mid day, itll be worth going straight to the grave yard. Firstly because the rip will be horendus going down wind into the river mouth, and secondly, even at high tide you will have room to launch at cemetry beach, as theres a big flat dune. Theres also the fact the surf will be sweeeeeettttttttt there!!!!!!!

carlessd - 10-8-2006 at 19:41

hey shem, is parkin on cemetary near golf course or do you have to cross main road???

shem - 10-8-2006 at 22:14

Ye layby on the left hand side so no need to cross road.

darren byrne - 11-8-2006 at 09:55

I hate to be a killjoy, but isn't wind from a dead northerly direction a tad off-shore at Dovey?? Not sure I'm up for that challenge.

Shem you're the expert?

dunk - 11-8-2006 at 10:39

Graveyards'll be ok in a Northely, the waves are class there too.

leonardo - 11-8-2006 at 11:03

Dunk I'll show you whats class matey

dunk - 11-8-2006 at 13:00

yeah yeah dude, but I mean for Mid Wales in da summer

carlessd - 11-8-2006 at 14:40

dudes correct me if i'm wrong but northerly skips borth an dovey completly???, had to go 20mins south with chris last time to kite on a dead north???

what are other options? new quay faces north ish i think only about 45mins from borth, any idea's

danh - 11-8-2006 at 14:58

Im sure ive kite'd at the cemetry in a northerly before.
May be wrong though, hope not cause im looking forward to a good weekend.

shem - 11-8-2006 at 17:01

Sorry daz yar wrong Northerly is fine at both. can be a bit gusty at borth, but at dyfi especially it accelerates if anything. The lagoon is also at its best in a Northerly,butter flat and clean wind.