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Neil in the waves in France
bucski - 31-8-2008 at 14:55

Just uploaded this to youtube, />
It is Neil playing in the waves just south of Lacanau in France. Waves were rather large that day, there is a great shot ( frozen bit about half way thru ) where a barrel explodes behind him.
And those were the smaller waves on the inside, it was way bigger on the outside where it was breaking on a sandbar. I went out after Neil and got chased by some monsters. You rode up and up the face of them and then just free fell down the back, great fun as long as you didn't screw up!
Oh and shortly after this Neil lost his hat! Which he wasn't happy about!

mNeil - 2-9-2008 at 16:49

yep sure lost my old faithful; thankfully Ren bought me another!
should have seen the size of the waves in quiberon when i was out there!! full brown trousers!!!!!!!!!!!!