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kelvin - 4-8-2004 at 07:06

been very quiet on these forums of late , must be due the hol period ?
weekend looks more promising as we get closer , Newgale looks a good bet for myself for Sat/Sun with wind guru at moment giving 3stars for Sun . Who else getting out?

paul s - 4-8-2004 at 08:21

Well I shall be in Bitez for 2 weeks from Saturday. Hope to run out of stars....

Daniel - 4-8-2004 at 08:37

I wouldn't listen to this Kelvin character, I don't know who he is but he has been promising some killer forwards but hasn't delivered

kelvin - 4-8-2004 at 09:51

u musta seen me about i,m the quiet guy that keeps burning past u when your going off downwind .
ps no loops this weekend excuse "wrong tack "

Daniel - 4-8-2004 at 11:15

coor blimey Kel, your right, both Sat & Sun look excellent!

justal - 4-8-2004 at 16:43

heh... Glad to see someone else giving Kelvin some hassle about the loops.. If we go on about it long enough he might finally go for one...

That is if we ever get the right wind direction, the right wind strength, the right takeoff ramp etc etc....

Saturday doesn't look that good yet, but Sunday looks promising...shame its not SW though....But you never know.

Have a good one. I shall be out here in Borth if it blows.... Mind you, if its REALLY good at Newgale let me know, just in case.. If theres no wind here I may be tempted to drive down and join you.


kelvin - 4-8-2004 at 21:51

well the latesrt is 30 mphSE with 2.2m swell
wooooowooo down the line we go !
have recieved replies from most of crew all waiting to go


Daniel - 5-8-2004 at 07:39

Hey Justal, Kelvin's already confirmed his excuse on the phone for not looping this Sunday: "I would but S.E at Newgale is the wrong tack for me'

[Edited on 5-8-2004 by Daniel]

kelvin - 5-8-2004 at 08:53

Looks like piss taking on me this week then?
Make a change , but as i,ve been Afternoons and locked away in a dark hole away from wind and waves all week i,m really wound up for a mega full on piss em all off session sun.
Sun still looks v.good

kelvin - 6-8-2004 at 08:17

Sundays still on track for a good session at Newgale with the latest being a se 25mph wind . The B.W.A. (barry winsurf arseholes) will be there in force . The question is do I ring the MAD DOG , think he would contribute greatly to the recent dicussion on boards forum on rights of way .
Dogs right of way rule \" GET IN MY WAY I KNOCK U OUT "

rollo19 - 6-8-2004 at 09:50


I'm going down to Neath this weekend (girlfriend's parents) and thinking a sneaky sail on sunday might be in order...

Where would you recommend as a good place to catch the southeasterlies forecast in the Gower/Porthcawl area?



kelvin - 6-8-2004 at 10:11

several options
Oxwich is nice but can be too onshore iif its got to much east , will be similar at Horton. LLangenith can be v good but wind need good as its off shore here .
Wind not that good for porthcawl area hence crew heading west , but Newton would be your best bet .

Daniel - 6-8-2004 at 10:50

Originally posted by kelvin
Sundays still on track for a good session at Newgale with the latest being a se 25mph wind . The B.W.A. (barry winsurf arseholes) will be there in force . The question is do I ring the MAD DOG , think he would contribute greatly to the recent dicussion on boards forum on rights of way .
Dogs right of way rule \" GET IN MY WAY I KNOCK U OUT "

I don't fancy like being bitten! I thought he had to be nuetered, muzzled and microchipped and on a leash at all times?

nick the fish - 9-8-2004 at 20:37

Text U should have stayed at home dirty water is easier to float on!