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Guy Cribb Tuition this weekend
justal - 15-6-2006 at 22:25

Another email to pass on for anyone who is interested:


Guy Cribb is supposed to be doing his Intuition tour at Rutland this weekend but we haven't had enough takers.
He was offering a full weekend of tuition for £150 but if people cannot commit to the whole weekend he is now offering a full day on Saturday for £80.
If you can make either one or both days please let me know by return email or phone on 01509 881111
Cheers Bee

adam - 16-6-2006 at 20:07

Shame forecast for this weekend is looking like being 3-4 mph 'tis my local pond

adam - 11-8-2006 at 18:41

They're giving it another go on Sunday:

Sunday 13th Aug, 10.30am-4.30pm

Guy Cribb will be at Rutland Water, Leicester in association with Riks Windsurfing. Techniques usually covered include waterstarts, planing in the straps & harness comfortably, tacks, gybes, some basic freestyle, kit tuning, stance and more.

£79 Per Person - only a few places left.

Contact Riks Windsurfing on 01233 873222 or email