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Review of Stoked: A History of Surf Culture
mexican bandit - 12-8-2003 at 19:14

Stoked: A History of Surf Culture
Drew Kampion, Bruce Brown

The full story of surfing, from sub-culture to multi-million dollar sport, covering the history, the riots, the personalities, the classic waves, technical tips, the culture and the way of life, all with excellent photos and that Bruce Brown “endless summer” style text.

This came out back in 1997, but it feels current by the way it covers Laird’s tow-in adventures and all the aerial moves currently going on. OK it’s missing some of the latest pictures and riders, but it has a very complete (yet brief) history of surfing. It’s always good to know where you’re coming from to know where you’re going to – have a look at the 80’s section and all the neon colours!

I really enjoy flicking through this one; it’s sort of a big mag. you can go over and over again. Plus, being so old you’ll probably be able to pick this one up in a bargain bin!