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henro - 21-9-2004 at 11:42

hows it goin guys, just found this pretty wicked site, I'm a keen sponger who surfs and mostly the island when it rarely gets goin, never surfed down midwales way but know the reef down there can be awesome!

justal - 22-9-2004 at 20:34

Glad you like the site. Sounds as though you cold have some 'secret spots' to add to the beachguide!!

As far as reefs down here go, then there are more than you would think! .....Shhhh!!!


Thodd - 23-9-2004 at 08:16

Hi there Henro,

Another Bodyboarder... woohooo... we're multiplying!! Soon we'll be able to take over the world..bwaaa haaa....
(thats enough af that)
Probably guessed i'm a sponger too, and I do most of it in North Wales. When its going off you will probably catch me at Porth 'Oer, or on the very rare times when the conditions work, Porth Ceriad. Very Rarely go to Hells Mouth anymore, the damn place continuously disapoints me!
I been known to venture across to the east coast at times and also spend quite a lot of time in North Devon and sometimes South Wales. I'm making a long haul road trip down to Sennen Cove next month for a weeks winter surfing... i'm just hoping the swell is there!

Anyway, What board are you riding? I've got myself an Ion and love it!

henro - 23-9-2004 at 20:24

hows it goin Thodd, the number of spongers is low around here, I still haven't seen any at the best sponging spots, I know what u mean about the mouth its too fat for my liking, I quite enjoy surfing reefbreaks due to the added thrill of surfing over shallow water and the fact that they never close out and if ur lucky u can get the occasional tube, pity that theyre all so inconsistant!!!! sennen sounds good, ud be damn unlucky to get a weeks flat spell in the best month of the yr!! ur close to the south coast as well so if Leven gets goin u can get in ( or if the wind is north west)... Ceiriad is great fun, if u fancy surfin some better waves ill give u a post when they will be on!!