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Now Then
PhilH - 26-10-2005 at 12:32

Now then chaps and chapesses just thought I'd introduce myself.

I'm from Middlesbrough originally but now living in Derby. main hobby/passtime is mountain biking but got into windsurfing on a recent holiday to Lanzarote and now I'm kinda hooked. presently looking around for some good secondhand kit but taking my time so I get the right stuff for me.

I'm thinking about doing the RYA level 1 cert followed by the levels 2,3 & 4 they do this at Carsington Water so if any of you know about it could you give details

anyhoo that's me and hiya people

justal - 27-10-2005 at 05:20

Hi Phil...
Probably is a good idea to make sure you get the right kit, but there's plenty out there so it shouldn't take too long. Getting into it at this time of year in this country will mean that you should spend some money on a deent wetsuit though, especially as you are intending to sail inland... Those lakes get cold in the winter!!

I don't know much about the RYA levels as I've never had a lesson, once you know the basics, you just need to get out there and practise. I guess you can't get much further from the sea than Derby though, but at least it means that once you are into sailig on the sea you can go to whichever coast the wind is blowing on.

