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Finally up and goin!
geordieboy - 4-4-2003 at 09:39

Helllooooo everyone at Forces-of-nature. Hope everyones dusting off those wetsuits and preparing for those spring gales!! Anyone hear from sunny newcastle where the sun always shines and the wind never blows!(apart from when it snows!) Al ive finally got round to joinin the chat, its only taken me about 7 months to sort my user name and password out. You got any uni sailors yet m8? its always amazed me how few windsurfers go to aber uni. Well hope to have a trip down in the next month or so to catch up with everyone. Cheers Richie

justal - 4-4-2003 at 18:25

Hi Richie...

Good to have you finally on here. I knoew you'd manage it in the end.
No uni windysurfers this year, I don't know why they don't come here either. I was talking to some old guy the other day (who I could have sworn was Mr. Bean) who reckons he was talking to someone in charge of the Aber uni windsurf club... But you know what these people are like, I'm fairly sure there isn't a windsurf club, and I've certainly seen no new sailors here.

Let us know when you'll be about, have you been out on the water at all lately??... The more time you spend off the water, the more chance I have of getting as good as you.

See you soon.

justal - 4-4-2003 at 18:27

BTW... You may be able to back loop and push loop in real life, but you're still a Kook on here at the mo!!



geordieboy - 5-4-2003 at 08:49

Yer these club captain are all talk and no balls!!! I was supose to be the bloody captain last year and they expected me to take people windsurfing off the south bay as they said they couldn't afford to get people to borth!!!
Whats this kook all about, im gunna have to do some serious bulk postin! again the old sayin comes in it not what you know its who you know Mr. administrator!

justal - 5-4-2003 at 08:57

You'll have to try harder than that Richie!!

Talking of Aber uni windsurf club, I found this on the web last night A web site designed by someone claiming to run the windsurf club there... Weird, looks as though there is still a windsurf club, but certainly no students windsurfing... Although, there was an article in the Cambrian News the other week about a windsurfer being rescued by the lifeboat off Aberystwyth!!!.... When will they learn and sail at Borth instead?

I'll try to contact them and get them out here, as its ridiculous trying to sail from Aber itself really.


geordieboy - 5-4-2003 at 09:09

She could do with getting a few pics up on the site!!! as there is a serious lack of windsurfing chicks!