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hey everyone :)
millencolin_rock - 23-10-2003 at 09:23

hey everyone
hi im kylie and im new to the site!! just wanted to say hi and introduce myself to everyone!!
what is the site for? just for the forums? or anything in particular?
i LOVE the beach (how could you not!!!) and ive just recently started bodyboarding! so im trying my best to get better at that!!
where is everyone from? is there anything about the site i should know about? anyone to stay away from or any rules in particular i need to know?
cheers ... thanks guys
hope to hear from yas soon
later alligators
kyles xoxox smile!!

Dave - 23-10-2003 at 13:06

Hi, it's a friendly site, so no worries about peeps to avoid

It started with Al, who Windsurfs, Kitesurfs and Surfs around Mid-Wales, (but no doubt he can do a better job introducing himself).

Any sport using wind, wave of gravity as the propulsion seems to quality as a F-O-N.

justal - 23-10-2003 at 16:38

Hi Kylie,

And welcome to Forces-of-Nature!

As Dave said, its basically a site about any sport driven by the forces-of-nature, and the 'beach lifestyle' that tends to go with those sports. It all started out as my personal site just letting people know the sorts of things we get up to in West Wales (surfing, windsurfing, kite-surfing, gorge-walking and lots of other things), but has grown into a more geographically wide-ranging site since the addition of the forums and diaries.

There no real agenda as far as the site goes, its just here to help like-minded people get together, chat about the things that interest them and hopefully encourage them to get out doing Forces-of-Nature sports a little more than they would do otherwise.

The forums are good for finding out info and asking questions, as there's always someone willing to help you out.

The Personal Diaries help you record your 'Forces-of-Nature' sports sessions and equipment usage. Not only can you look back through your diaries and see which were your best sessions, which kit you've used most, where you go etc. etc., but you can look through the diaries of other members to see what they've been up to.

The other parts of the site should be self-explanatory, except maybe the 'Force-of-Nature? link. This is just a light-hearted questionnaire to track your progress in a few Forces-of-Nature sports. (more sports will be added one day).

There are no real rules... Just keep it friendly.


bucski - 24-10-2003 at 06:09

Hey Kylie
where in WA are you from?
I lived in esperance for a year
catch ya lata

millencolin_rock - 24-10-2003 at 08:26

hey guys
thanks for the words of advise!! muchly appreciated aye!!
yeah tim ... i live about two minutes drive from mullaloo beach!! (south of try hard homie ville!! ... joondalup!!)
went to mullaz today ... was terrible surf but we still had soooooo much fun aye!!!!!! i love the beach!! live it up aye!!
later all
kylie xoxox

bucski - 24-10-2003 at 12:24

that's in perth yeah??

ever been over to rottnest? i remember scoring some real shallow waves at a break called chicken reef


millencolin_rock - 24-10-2003 at 14:09

yeah thats northern suburbs of perth!!
nah i have never been to rotto!!! oh the shame!!! how sad is that aye?? i dont know why i havent ... its weird!! almost EVERYONE has!! ahaahah oh wells!!
are you still in wa? you ever surfed margs?

bucski - 24-10-2003 at 15:04

no i'm back in the UK now, worst luck, and often head out to where ysnylas is ( in wales), where this this site is mostly about.
And yeah, i did make it down to margs, unreal, i reckon the waves around there were the best i have ever surfed, surfed margs itself at double overhead, excellent stuff!!!