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Happy Boy - 19-11-2003 at 19:47

hi every one
i m new member
i want more information about this site
please any one help me

justal - 20-11-2003 at 07:30

Hi Happy Boy and welcome to Forces-of-Nature.

I'm not sure what 'information' you want about this site. Hopefully most of it it pretty self-explanatory.

Basically it started off as my personal site detailing the things my friends and I get up to in this area, so some parts of the site are left over from then (Places, Photos, People). I'll revamp those sections when I get the time.

Since then the site has developed into a 'community driven' site dedicated to all sprots powered by the 'Forces-of-Nature' (wind, waves, gravity etc.). The forums and diairies are the hub of the community. Feel free to post in the forums and join in with the community. You'll find everyone here is friendly (if a little sarcastic at times). There are no real rules, and although we generally stay on topic, its not unusual for us to go off on little tangents now and then. Just get posting and you'll soon get a feel for it. start off by replying to this and telling us a little bit about yourself, where you are, what sports you do etc. etc.

The diaries are there for you (and everyone else) to record their 'Forces-of-Nature' sessions and equipment usage. If you want to record your equipment usage you'll have to fill in a list of the 'toys' you own first. Basically the diaries will allow you to see how often you participate in the sports you do, where you go most often, which conditions are best etc etc. They also let you compare your sessions with everyone else, and see whats been happening elsewhere around the country. Its also good fun reading what everyone else has been up to.

Along with this, there other sections worth exploring such as the For Sale section, a Links section that you can add your own links to, a Calendar that you can add evenets to and a Forces-of-Nature questionnaire.



SeanBo - 20-11-2003 at 11:15

Welcome Happy Boy. As Al said the site is very friendly and we are all into

QUOTE "sprots powered by the 'Forces-of-Nature'"

Not sure what "Sprots" you are into, but if you landed here you must have similar interests (as Al also mentioned there can be some sarcasm )

SeanBo - 20-11-2003 at 11:15

Welcome Happy Boy. As Al said the site is very friendly and we are all into

QUOTE "sprots powered by the 'Forces-of-Nature'"

Not sure what "Sprots" you are into, but if you landed here you must have similar interests (as Al also mentioned there can be some sarcasm )

SeanBo - 20-11-2003 at 11:16

So good it posted twice! How did that happen?

justal - 20-11-2003 at 17:50

Oooops.... I'm sure you all know what I meant...

Not sprots... I missed out a 'u'... it should have been sprouts!!

Imagine that...sprouts powered by the forces-of-nature.


Thodd - 21-11-2003 at 11:07

Theres definatley a force-of-nature happening after i've eaten a load of sprouts!

Dave - 21-11-2003 at 12:39

"Forces of Nature sprouts" might mean you could ditch the Jetski idea

Thodd - 21-11-2003 at 13:18

great idea
Thats it...... I'm stopping off at the green-grocers on the way home from work