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Forces-of-Nature Awards 2004
justal - 2-1-2005 at 17:18

Right, its that time again when we need to announce the winners of the 2004 awards. So I need your nominations. If you think someone deserves a (virtual) award, nominate them here and I'll announce the winners at the end of the month.

To give you an idea, last year there were awards for worst wipeout, walk of shame award, a fashion victim award, as well as awards for best diary entry and best forum post. As long as the award relates to a FON member and something they did in 2004, anything goes.

As far as the awards for the diaries go, there should be some prizes to give out so I'll get in touch with the shops/schools that have said they'll donate prizes this week and then annouce the winners at the end of the month as well.


col123 - 2-1-2005 at 18:45

winter gimp of the year the one and only AL

also top bloke award for doing this site..AL

badexcuseforasailor - 2-1-2005 at 19:07

Not exaclty a wipe-out but grip tool should be nominated for


What a bad day yesterday
Went for a sail at Weston - first chance to sail in ages, anyway, as i rigged up a gust took my sail, I jumped out of the back of the van to catch it and tore my achilles tendon OUCH!!.

The quack tells me that it will take months to get back on the board.

Has anyone had any experience of this injury and recovery times etc?


badexcuseforasailor - 2-1-2005 at 19:31

And the nomination for the walk of shame walk of shame

Some people just want to make an award their own!

bucski - 2-1-2005 at 21:37

legend of the year should be Derek for his lights!!

mNeil - 4-1-2005 at 12:03

think i'll second that tim!!

Wes - 4-1-2005 at 12:30

I want to nominate myself for having the most police officers called to a FoN incident!

mNeil - 10-1-2005 at 14:10

col and myself suggest larry for having the biggest grin sen for a long time!

AndyW - 11-1-2005 at 09:09

I was wondering how Wes got the most Police officers to attend a FON gathering, anyone?

Wes - 11-1-2005 at 12:17

Have a look at my 5th August diary entry. Still get goose bumps from it now!

justal - 11-1-2005 at 14:44

Heres the link


AndyW - 11-1-2005 at 17:16

Nice ;-)

I think there must be a category for that but not quite sure what it is!

Dave - 12-1-2005 at 18:08

Is'nt it the Darwin award - (but I think you are actually supposed to do yourself in before you pass on you Genes to qualify for that)

Wes - 13-1-2005 at 09:01

Inability to pull is not the same as unable to have children

justal - 13-1-2005 at 21:47

Right, I have most of the prizes sorted:

Wetsuit from Stormriders
Harness and 'T'-shirt from Boardwise and
half-day kitesurf lesson with shem (Kite Surf Wales)

I'll be announcing the winners soon..

Keep the award nominations coming though.


col123 - 14-1-2005 at 12:56

i'll nominate mtself for the biggest bullshit post of the year for the reef girls

leonardo - 17-1-2005 at 12:21

Col for all the nonensical reef girl ads
MNeil for all the informative info
Dunk for always landing on his head when kiting
Zee German for the SCariEST board ever seen
JustAL for being the most mental sailor at getting up so incredibly early each morning..
JustAL for having set-up and maintaining the best site in the uk
Derick for his silly evening sessions with his headlamps

dunk - 17-1-2005 at 15:12

No prizes from The PowerKiteShop?

Haven't they got a set of Srtike2's to donate, I vote I win them for being such a pain in the ar#e !

dunk - 17-1-2005 at 15:28

Airborne for being so landlocked !

badexcuseforasailor - 17-1-2005 at 16:44

Can I nominate my self for having the furthest to travel for a forces of nature meet and still being the first on the beach?

col123 - 17-1-2005 at 21:17

note on the prizes does the loser get a full day with Shem

shem - 18-1-2005 at 08:25

You can have a full day, decorating my new house with me if you want col!

willf - 8-2-2005 at 15:01

nominate Dunk for the most rediculous love life.
And me for being faster than ANY windsurfer!!!

davidf - 8-2-2005 at 20:57

you guys are making me worried about my prize now

Wes - 9-2-2005 at 09:11

Originally posted by willf
And me for being faster than ANY windsurfer!!!

But not mentally!