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see britney strip...
rob - 2-2-2006 at 09:58


justal - 2-2-2006 at 14:18

I take it you have finsished your exams then Rob!!!


Jonny - 2-2-2006 at 15:35

Excellent. Good fun to pass the time

Jonny - 2-2-2006 at 16:01

Have a look at this site if you've got some time to kill. Some great videos to watch on here. Watch the Cessna departure crash - very amusing!!


rob - 2-2-2006 at 19:00

yup they're all over now al!!

cessna crash is quite impressive, that website is always being updated too!

the sea knight that drops off the aircraft carrier is flown by a woman (not implying anything there!!). if you look closely you can see one of the crewman grab a hold of the side door as it heads for the sea!

Shadow Boxer - 14-2-2006 at 15:25

LOL i shit myself then.

rob - 14-2-2006 at 18:44

good innit