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Who's playin this w/end....20/21st May
jon d hat - 15-5-2006 at 08:13

Well it's lookin good for the comming w/end at the moment, although you can never tell at this stage in the game.

I'll make some arrangements to do something else... Thats bound to guaranty a solid 20k all w/end.

Yes, it's usually my working w/end or when I organise activities with the non kiteing fraternity that it howls like a goodun all w/end.

So... anyone about? it's been a while... well, at least 2 wks

Shem, av you still got that Instinct? wouldn't mind a swift look at it

mNeil - 15-5-2006 at 09:17

will be up late friday afternoon after work.

darren byrne - 15-5-2006 at 10:21

I'll be up if forecast is decent. Hoping there's some bow kites to test if Col and Shem are about. I need to replace my broken 10m.

justal - 15-5-2006 at 10:25

I'll be on the beach if the wind cooperates.. It looks OK at the moment.


carlessd - 15-5-2006 at 16:16

i'm coming up this weekend for deff dudes, see ya'll on the beach

mNeil - 15-5-2006 at 16:46

"i'm coming up this weekend for deff dudes"
Daz are you saying that i'm getting hard of hearing?

chris - 15-5-2006 at 17:36

won't be about so that should mean its windy.
although i will be mountain biking in spain.

have a good one and shem i should see you for a kite thursday morning.

jon d hat - 15-5-2006 at 18:10

Pardon...What...Did'nt quite catch that...Come again...

[Edited on 15-5-2006 by jon d hat]

shem - 15-5-2006 at 19:37

Im game for a play, as usual. Got my self a new sonic to crack open. the instincts gone back, but Ive got a demo 13 ordered, got a shockwave 12 meter demo as well. If winds good Ill set um all up. Be good if COL could bring a ION over, Im keen for a try. COl where are yoooouuuuuu!!!!!

Kitefish - 15-5-2006 at 19:49

Typical! I've arranged not to come this weekend and everyone and their bows going to be there, oh and there's a hint of some wind too.

If it looks good may come up on Friday but got to go back Saturday.

Jon ain't seen you for ages, hope to catch up soon

Done me exercises Neil, ta for that. Now I must practice my new mantra 'must not drink too much scrumpy jack at weekends, it is not good for me'

col123 - 15-5-2006 at 20:16

i'm on weekend working at the mo but if sunday holds i'll be up saturday night after work for an early sunday session, but got to go by 2 ish

should have some new toys too

Fart Boy - 15-5-2006 at 20:27

I hope to be in Dyfi with a few of the Worcestershire boys.

shem - 15-5-2006 at 21:17

Be good to see ya COL, its been a while.

Ill warn the local pie shops to stock up, hehe!!

[Edited on 15-5-2006 by shem]

Fat Shady - 15-5-2006 at 21:43

I can't make Saturday, so you are bound to get great wind.

Will come over on Sunday though if the wind holds on.

[Edited on 15-5-2006 by Fat Shady]

shem - 16-5-2006 at 07:08

So are you all off to borth or are ya coming to Aberdyfi?

mNeil - 16-5-2006 at 07:44

will sail across to say hello Shem

danh - 16-5-2006 at 09:09

Will be over with FB. Hopefully be over friday morning.

Bugger shem i was hoping to blag a go on your instinct oh well never mind.

badexcuseforasailor - 16-5-2006 at 10:29

Ive aranged to go fishing this weekend so its sure to be very windy probaly wet too!

carlessd - 16-5-2006 at 12:03

well lads you asked for wind, an i think we got it, mmmmmm,
the question is how many of us have got small enough kites,

AndyW - 16-5-2006 at 16:02

I'm busy all weekend so you can thank me as well as BEFS for the sacrifice to the wind Gods.

Might have to take a day off either Friday or Monday though....

andy B - 16-5-2006 at 17:06

whooooo its looking good, be up friday night. if the wind direction stays southerly, i will park in da estuary and walk over the dunes, for a play in them pools !!!!!!!!!! its exciting stuff this wind, looks like it will be mr 8m out of the bag. see ya on da beach.

justal - 16-5-2006 at 17:29

Originally posted by AndyW
I'm busy all weekend so you can thank me as well as BEFS for the sacrifice to the wind Gods.

Might have to take a day off either Friday or Monday though....

Can't you make Thursday Andy?? I shall be about and Impi is coming down for the day as well.


shem - 16-5-2006 at 18:26

Lets just hope its as good as it looks, Im only gonna teach a half day, so its most of the weekend for fun!!!!!!! SSSSSSSSSWWWWWWWWWWEEEEEETTTTTT!!!!!

justal - 16-5-2006 at 19:23

It isn't atually looking that good for the weekend is it?? Thursday looks like the day, with a little left over for Friday morning, but not a lot for the weekend.... Of course all that could (and probably will) change.


danh - 16-5-2006 at 21:07

what the hell happened to the forecast, its because i booked friday afternoon off.

shem - 16-5-2006 at 21:17

Thats because you need 25 knots to have fun Al, Us jolly kite surfing types are fairly happy with 12 knots and big kites!! Join us Al, crack out that 15 m GK curl I gave ya.

shem - 16-5-2006 at 21:22

Maybe your right Al, windguru seems to be updating every 10 minuits, one minuite its uo the next its down!!! Huge variants, probably best to just wake up and look, all the same Ive booked Thursday off, yum yum!!

Fart Boy - 16-5-2006 at 22:26

Originally posted by danh
what the hell happened to the forecast, its because i booked friday afternoon off.

Well it was either you or me. We will need to see how it turns out.

We will find some wind somewhere. Ihope.

justal - 17-5-2006 at 05:58

The forecasts I've been looking at haven't ever looked that good for the weekend, Thursday has alays been the best day. Thursday still looks OK at the moment just not quite as good as it has been looking. I'm still quite hopeful though.

As far as the weekend goes, there will probably still be enough around for kiting, there aren't many days of the year when the wind doesn't get to 12 knots for at least an hour or so!

I'm also looking towards Monday for some decent surf at the moment... Anyone got any thought on that??


danh - 17-5-2006 at 07:44

Al where do you look at you're forecasts, windguru an XC were forcasting 25-29mph up until last night?

Oh and yeah now you can all blame the worcestershire chaps for booking time off work to come and join the fun.
Personally im just blaming mark (FB) though

justal - 17-5-2006 at 11:23

All sorts of places, including Windguru, Theyr and Metcheck as my favourites and then lots of isobar charts, WAM charts etc etc. Whenever I looked at Windguru this week it wasn't showing much for the weekend.. usually around Force 4. But it's only showing Force 3-4 now.

Unless of course you are one of the lucky few whose weekend begins on Thursday!!


AndyW - 17-5-2006 at 11:31

Can't you make Thursday Andy?? I shall be about and Impi is coming down for the day as well.


I know that Thursday looks like the best day for sure but I'm struggling. We have our CTO visiting from the states and I have a car share arranged, blah, blah, blah... otherwise I would be there like a shot....

So I might try Friday morning on the dyfi side in the estaury with big sails if necessary...

Never mind, a week on friday I'm off to Cornwall for a week.


Fart Boy - 17-5-2006 at 17:24

Originally posted by danh

Personally im just blaming mark (FB) though

Thanks dude. Your walking to Dovey then!

shem - 18-5-2006 at 03:58

Looking fun for saturday now.

MarkyP - 18-5-2006 at 06:38

Im off to Portland this weekend, fingers crossed for a strong SW.

Hope the massif has a good one

Stay lose, edge hard

Fart Boy - 18-5-2006 at 16:35

Originally posted by MarkyP
Im off to Portland this weekend, fingers crossed for a strong SW.

Hope the massif has a good one

Stay lose, edge hard

Have a good one mate. It's great down there.

danh - 18-5-2006 at 20:15

Im looking forward to this weekend its gonna be a kiting and veer fest

jon d hat - 18-5-2006 at 21:27

jon d hat - 18-5-2006 at 21:40

Be up friday night, but prob. late as i,m sein me daughter so will either see you,s in the pub or the carpark. Going Dyfi side, just spoke to Woosh and Tony and they will be Dyfi side too.

Shame you havn't still got that Instinct Shem as they look like a very interesting prospect. wouldn't mind hearin the lowdown on the build quality an your unbiast oppinion of the performance if youve time to chew the fat.

Bin watchin the wind all week an it's been a rollercoaster. Still looks like we'll be avin a sail but hey, if d wind dont show, I'd sooner be there than ere... what says d massif.