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van park-up?
frash - 8-1-2008 at 21:31

looking for a bit of land to park and live in 2 vans. Around portishead...bristol. will pay rent... thought i'd put it out there see if anyones got any ideas....does anyone?

[Edited on 9-1-2008 by frash]

Dandine - 8-1-2008 at 22:54

Just to be clear...........You are looking for a landlord who does'nt mind noise and has a wooded area. Have you tried the National Trust, they have car parks........and wood.

[Edited on 8-1-2008 by Dandine]

frash - 9-1-2008 at 13:17

nice one but cant live in national trust properties. they get a bit funny about it. bascially just need somwhere to park up and live for a while...will take the chainsaw carving elsewhere as on reflection don't think anyone#s gunna be up for having that kind of noise evyday. we usually do lay bys but just need somewhere a bit more permanane to live. campsites or friendly farmer round bristol?