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Nothing new under the sun...
Loxley - 2-10-2008 at 16:21

For all you folks worried about the financial situation out in the wide world, here is an interesting description of stockbrokers and investment banking... 'it is a trade founded in fraud, born of deceit and nourished by trick,cheat, wheedle forgeries, falsehoods and all sorts of delusions.'

A quote from a modern journo or investor perhaps ? No,it was by Daniel Defoe author of Robinson Crusoe in 1720 who had just lost a small fortune in the "South Sea Bubble" financial crisis.

Basically there is nothing new under the sun !! So as bad as things may seem now, they have generally happened before and people have lived through it in one way or other.

Interesting article in wiki about it.

ramboto2 - 14-6-2009 at 11:49

Wohoho cool i first thought it was quoted by some stockbrocker in new york who has finally realized the evils of capitalism LOL. Man is a thinkin being. He knows how to get himself out of trouble.