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Right. That's it! I'm off to Fuerte...
MartinF - 16-6-2003 at 21:00

For the next couple of weeks.

The wind has been averaging F5-6 most days over the last couple of weeks - and that's in the North. Daily gusts of 60 km/h (just touching F8) in Sotavento, in the South.

Surely not even I can kill that?

I'll try to check in on the diaries from time to time whilst away - assuming Internet technologies have made their way there yet

However, I have to say that the mrs keeps reminding me it's NOT a windsurfing hol. I just innocently happen to be taking my kit with me.

Hope you have wind while I'm gone.


justal - 17-6-2003 at 05:55

Have a good one.... Hopefully your Stoke Factor will go through the roof.

However, from what I've heard, Paul has just come back from a good holiay too and will shoot to the top of the Hall of Fame as soon as he enters his sessions in the diaries.

Looks like I might not even make top 3 this month!


MartinF - 17-6-2003 at 20:26

They've seen me coming

After the last week of blowing F5-8 each day, the forecast for the next 5 days in Fuerte is 6-10 knots. From the wrong direction.

Think I'll take the bodyboards after all.


[Edited on 17-6-2003 by MartinF]