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More on flying with kit
ajdesq - 12-7-2003 at 17:49

OK, so maybe I do things a little back-to-front...

I've just flown to the USA with BA, bringing 2 boards, 3 sails, 2 masts, & 2 booms. I was thrilled to find a bag on wheels (a 'tanker bag') that I could put ALL my kit in, then tow it along with one hand. Only after I received the bag did I see it weighed 15Kg empty, and soon realised it would be 65Kg loaded up. A quick check with BA verified that NOTHING over 32Kg will be accepted as checked luggage, due to new Health & safety rules. So I re-packed the kit into 2 bags with a lot of bubble wrap, and thankfully got a refund on the Tanker Bag (although understandably lost 20 pounds postage costs).

The BA allowance for the US is 2 pcs at 32Kg Max. Splitting the kit gave me a total of 3 pcs including suitcase. While not as easy to get about as if I'd had the all-in-one bag, I managed OK. And they didn't charge me the 90 quid for the 3rd bag :-) So the moral is, check way in advance of flying, and before buying your kit bags! btw... Everyone at check-in whose bags/trunks came in over 32Kg were made to repack and/or leave stuff behind.

Let's hope it was worth bringing it...
