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Bristol Scale (a new beaufort scale?)
justal - 4-9-2004 at 07:20

This was posted on the Boards forums, but as its generally one of my favourite topics of conversation I thought I'd post it here for everyone to comment on!

Researchers at Bristol Royal Infirmary have come up with what they describe as a "user-friendly" seven-point scale – "the Bristol stool form scale" – against which you can measure your own stools.

1. Separate hard lumps, like nuts.
2. Sausage-shaped, but lumpy.
3. Like a sausage or snake but with cracks on its surface.
4. Like a sausage or snake, smooth and soft.
5. Soft blobs with clear-cut edges.
6. Fluffy pieces with ragged edges, a mushy stool.
7. Water, no solid pieces.

You couldn't make it up, could you ? Perhaps taking the lead from the "beaufort scale" used by the sailing community, we now have a handy point of reference to measure how "radical" a windsurf/kitesurf session was by a combination of the Beaufort and the Bristol scale:

"It was a force 6 out on the water, but in the pub afterwards it was a good 7 on the Bristol scale"

Maybe I should add a Bristol Scale option to the diaries..although I think diet may have a bearing on it as well as the days session on the water!! I know mine rarely drops below a 6 (and can be quite gusty at times!!!)


griptool - 4-9-2004 at 18:59

Nice scale

Maybe we can incorperate into the stoke factor depend on velocity at impact!!!

"moley had his front claws out this morning(bristol scale 4), I think I've dented the pan. well stoked, I give it 5 stars"

Wes - 6-9-2004 at 07:35

There is something very wrong with some people!

justal - 6-9-2004 at 16:07

Those constantly at 7 on the Bristol Scale probably have something wrong with them!


dunk - 6-9-2004 at 16:17

Last night in the curry house, the forecast was S 7 decresing 4 and it was going to be hot!!!!!!!!!!!!

badexcuseforasailor - 6-9-2004 at 21:27

I wonder what a storm force 10 is

rob - 6-9-2004 at 22:40

i nearly had a force 999 as i almost rode into a jaguar in the estuary earlier!

justanna - 7-9-2004 at 09:14

I'm surprised, considering how interested Al seems to be in this matter, that there isn't a place in the diaries to record the days movements! Definately more usful than how windy it is!

justal - 7-9-2004 at 17:19

Tell you what... reckon I'd be top of the Hall of Fame each month if thats what was recorded in the diaries.... My Stoke Factor would be off the scale!
