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Travel guide
Alohaman - 6-10-2008 at 15:49

Just got hold of The Kite and Windsurfing Guide for Europe on Amazon books. Awesome database for those dreamt of surf trips. I can highly recommend it

Loxley - 9-10-2008 at 16:33

Now I am being too cynical or are there too many 'first and only' posts by people recommending this that or the other ?

You never see them again !
Maybe, if you saw a few more posts from these folks then people would be more inclined to take their reviews/views/opinions a bit more seriously.

justal - 10-10-2008 at 06:40

And you only see a few of them... I delete most of them as most of them are just spam

But as this one was relevant and accurate and didn't have any links to anything in it so it wasn't really spam so I left it where it was and even linked to the book which didn't used to be available via Amazon but is now.
