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Kit Transport to WA
bphiett - 11-12-2003 at 14:20

Am currently looking into the best way to get my kit to WA.

My plan was to forget about taking boards, get those out there. And try and squeeze the rest of my kit into the baggage allowance.

Anyone any better ideas?

Has anyone had any probems sticking masts and booms through as baggage?

adam - 11-12-2003 at 17:00

Have a look a bit further down this forum, ajdesq has posted a number of times about flying with kit. Think the best bet is find out your airlines policy and make them aware as early as possible if you will be taking kit over your allowance

bphiett - 11-12-2003 at 17:12

problem being if you fly via asia (which is the obvious way to get to perth) you only get 1 x 20kg bag allowance rather than 2 x 32kg if you travel via the US.

Fitting your kit into 20kg is pretty tuff...

Does anyone have experience of whether airlines will accept boom and mast shaped articles?

ajdesq - 13-12-2003 at 15:37

Asb said, I've posted about all my experiences about flying with kit... just trawl through the travel forum. Yu already know you have to fly via US to get the allowance up to 2x32Kg. Make sure no package is over 32Kg or you'll be turned away, no question. I've not had any problem getting 3m long boards & quiver bags checked in. I did get a problem with it not arriving at LHR for 48hrs though. Thanks BA!

If you're really bored, check out 'Big Trip - The emails' at Cheers, Andrew

shem - 13-12-2003 at 16:10

I took 35k to WA, and got away with it. I think it really depends on the day,( unfortunatly). Just make sure you get it in writting if they do give you a greater allowance.

I went there for 4 months,( jan- april), and had a wicked time. Get ready to spend a lot of time hunting for small enough waves!!!!!!!!!! Have fun.

bphiett - 15-12-2003 at 14:09

Taken the plunge with Singapore Airlines

They've given me 30kg allowance (an extra 10) and obviously the 7kg of hand luggage.

Theres two of us going so should be able to fit my kit into our 74kg of combined baggage.

Can't wait, flying out on the 4th feb...

mexican bandit - 15-12-2003 at 14:19

People like BA let you take one surfboard or windsurf board free of charge as long as it is within the weight limit. So if you forget the board and just take the rest of the kit in a large bag I doubt they should give you trouble, except for delays.

Most other airlines charge extra for boards and large items regardless of weight allowance so call them up and find out their policy. It can be around US$150 in each direction - add it up and sometimes it's worth buying secondhand at your destination and seling it off when coming back.

Check out what the excess baggage company in heathrow and gatwick could offer - they charge less than the airlines per Kg.

bphiett - 15-12-2003 at 16:30

Assuming I can fit one board into the baggae allowance not two...

Should I take the 75l k-bay fast wave


the 95l JP Freestyle

I know which I'd get out on more in the UK but have no prior experience of WA.

millencolin_rock - 1-1-2004 at 10:03

i live in wa .. perth
good place!
love australia