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windsurf, Kitesurf, Waves, Surf, Sunset

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August Bank Holiday Weekend - Borth key? Pluto -1 3491
23-8-2011 at 18:19
by Pluto
VanSurf 2011 - Oct 7th BRS bangbus -1 3436
14-7-2011 at 10:27
by bangbus
We've just had some really cool snowkiting T-Shirts designed snowkiteruk -1 2741
4-5-2011 at 11:06
by snowkiteruk
at last next weekend should be at the beach!!! mNeil 1 2834
30-3-2011 at 14:31
by mNeil
north wales swede 0 3164
26-2-2011 at 20:04
by shem
off to rhossi today mNeil 4 3238
23-2-2011 at 22:35
by shem
Anyone heading to Borth this weekend? MarkyB -1 2703
11-2-2011 at 15:14
by MarkyB
Oh well those lines had seen a lot of use, and were second hand ! time to invest in a nice shiny new mNeil 1 2787
4-2-2011 at 21:05
by mNeil
got every thing crossed for next weekend mNeil 0 2742
31-1-2011 at 17:12
by Fart Boy
Looks like a few fun days ahead :) shem 3 3094
24-1-2011 at 14:11
by chase
will there be enough wind for you this coming weekend Al? mNeil 6 3140
22-1-2011 at 11:47
by chase
not going to spoil it but look at the **** for next weekend! mNeil 6 3074
4-1-2011 at 17:21
by mNeil
Faith Essence 2011 Kites RonaldMac -1 2568
13-12-2010 at 09:33
by RonaldMac
flexi bar and lines mislayed kevg -1 2276
2-12-2010 at 20:53
by kevg
Tablas Kiteboards RonaldMac -1 2404
2-12-2010 at 09:34
by RonaldMac
Transition Kites - Kitesurfing Shop and School RonaldMac 0 2280
2-12-2010 at 08:11
by RonaldMac
Ant Baker Kite Clinic at Reef Retreat, Boracay,ph reefretreatresort -1 2533
2-12-2010 at 07:34
by reefretreatresort
14-11-2010 at 15:44
Anyone out at Borth tommorrow tompowell 1 2146
4-11-2010 at 10:12
by justal
55 Knots! justal 5 2801
3-11-2010 at 17:02
by OceanGeek
Green Naish pump Dr Mike -1 1647
27-10-2010 at 23:01
by Dr Mike
Last minute: Advanced kitesurfing course in Cape Town/South Africa Kitekahunas -1 2119
26-10-2010 at 14:26
by Kitekahunas
Kitesurf Boracay, Philippines 2009-10 video reefretreatresort -1 1962
26-10-2010 at 07:44
by reefretreatresort
Session du 13 10 2010 SKORV -1 1669
13-10-2010 at 21:14
Anyone for kitesurfing monday Fart Boy 7 2856
13-10-2010 at 19:10
by nomadsec
13-10-2010 at 11:35
Photo Contest loupiot77 -1 1816
10-10-2010 at 08:30
by loupiot77
llanrhystud what say the massif (Pages: 1 2 ) mNeil 20 5873
27-9-2010 at 21:03
by shem
Big Friday Cabarete beach DR loupiot77 -1 1896
23-9-2010 at 18:42
by loupiot77
Lost bar and lines for GK Trix 9m at Ferring / Goring Jonny -1 1939
19-9-2010 at 11:41
by Jonny
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