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windsurf, Kitesurf, Waves, Surf, Sunset

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Moved Back To Pembs.... windswept82 0 2130
1-4-2010 at 19:07
by dunk
Kitesurfing Antalya siggo 1 8387
25-3-2010 at 11:18
by Cecil
Kitesurfing holiday in Brasil and South Africa Kitekahunas -1 2265
23-3-2010 at 08:48
by Kitekahunas
Wind for SATURDAY Spooker 0 2334
21-3-2010 at 07:11
by justal
Idiot Fart Boy 1 2406
20-3-2010 at 18:37
by Fart Boy
SHUSHHH...looks like NW for the weekend 13/14 mNeil -1 2064
8-3-2010 at 16:36
by mNeil
weekend 6-7 who's out? Spooker 3 2421
5-3-2010 at 15:11
by mNeil
Moved to southampton rebel cr 2 2564
3-3-2010 at 11:15
by kitesnowboarder
IKO Instructor Training Course in Turkey kite-turkey -1 2254
1-3-2010 at 21:52
by kite-turkey
Tarifa, lessons and accomm. from £495 / 545€ highflyers -1 2029
28-2-2010 at 18:06
by highflyers
can anyone tell me skippyglen 0 2078
25-2-2010 at 16:39
by shem
5th line???? help qatarij 12 3174
20-2-2010 at 21:26
by kitesnowboarder
Escaping from the cold weather? Kitekahunas 0 2314
16-2-2010 at 20:15
by mNeil
Iceland - 2010 - Snowkiting Adventure Trip snowkiteruk 4 2198
9-2-2010 at 20:08
by mNeil
6th feb whats with the SE dovey side? mNeil 15 3009
8-2-2010 at 21:52
by col123
Kitesurfer killed in shark attack in miami Loxley -1 2557
4-2-2010 at 17:34
by Loxley
borth weeknd 30th jan mNeil 1 2213
29-1-2010 at 13:29
by Spooker
Pleeaasee read dbinit 1 3277
25-1-2010 at 20:28
by dbinit
Kitesurfing holiday & advanced kitesurfing course Cape Town/South Africa Kitekahunas -1 2033
25-1-2010 at 17:42
by Kitekahunas
Blade Kites launch 2010 Website dbinit 1 2834
7-1-2010 at 14:30
by dbinit
4-1-2010 at 14:04
by kiteoray
last fly of the year eh flyer 1 2356
31-12-2009 at 06:32
by justal
Weekend 19/20 who's out? Spooker 5 2340
17-12-2009 at 12:43
by col123
Kitesurf Feedback fbusato -1 2064
15-12-2009 at 15:45
by fbusato
Shush quiet: wind looking ok for this sat Tony mNeil 0 2084
3-12-2009 at 12:37
by Spooker
Kitesurfing holiday and advanced course in South Africa Kitekahunas -1 2186
28-11-2009 at 11:54
by Kitekahunas
wahoo winds back for saturday mNeil 14 2944
28-11-2009 at 09:58
by shem
22-11-2009 at 08:01
by eh flyer
14th nov whos out,wind now west mNeil 14 3089
19-11-2009 at 11:57
by AndyW
Kitesurfers jump over pier REECEY 0 2721
19-11-2009 at 07:17
by justal
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