A Force-of-Nature *       I Love Men in Uniforms!

Member #: 198 Posts 198
Registered: 27-4-2003 Location: Bath Member Is Offline Mood: Wanting SW winds!
posted on 20-4-2004 at 11:19 |
Old Kit
How do I get rid of all the stuff in the toybox that has died over the winter. I want to start using the diaries properly, but need to
update my quiver....
Cheers for the help
posted on 20-4-2004 at 14:24 |
I knew someone would ask this one day!!!
First, if I allowed you to delete old kit, then when you look back at old sessions in the diaries the old 'toys' would no longer be in
the database, so you wouldn't see them listed against the old sessions.
You can edit the particular piece of equipment and mark it as 'previously owned', that will stop it showing up in the 'Add Diary Entry'
form, but it will still show up in your list of toys..... I'll have a look and see how easy it is for me to re-order how the toys are
listed in the toybox, so that those flagged as previously owned are listed at the bottom.
Hope that helps for now.... I guess I need to have a think about a more elegant way to do it... I could quite easily make it so that
previously owned toys don't show up in the toybox but are still listed against old diary entries if thats what people would prefer??

URL: Pixelwave Design - Website Design Wales
Shop: Website Templates
Personal Weblog: A Simple Life of Luxury in West Wales
posted on 20-4-2004 at 14:28 |
I thought he meant how does he really get rind of old kit? Any ideas? We've got a whole pile of knackered boards behind the shed that
could do with a 'new' home!
posted on 20-4-2004 at 14:46 |
Good point Anna.... I need to get rid of my Fanatic Cross 100 now as well to make room for a new 100 litre(ish) board.
Wes.... I've re-ordered the toybox so that previously owned toys are at the bottom of the list, they are also displayed in a different
colour and have '(No Longer Owned)' displayed next to them... Is that good enough??

URL: Pixelwave Design - Website Design Wales
Shop: Website Templates
Personal Weblog: A Simple Life of Luxury in West Wales
A Force-of-Nature *       I Love Men in Uniforms!

Member #: 198 Posts 198
Registered: 27-4-2003 Location: Bath Member Is Offline Mood: Wanting SW winds!
posted on 21-4-2004 at 11:17 |
Thats great, yesterday when I added some diary entries it had the old kit to choose from so I was getting a little confused......
Oh, and if you want to get rid of any kit, give it to me. I manage to destroy things on a regular basis, never need to put it up for
Even the 8.0 which I really like is at the loft being repaired.........
posted on 21-4-2004 at 15:37 |
Tell me about it... All 3 of my current boards are on their last legs and not worthy of even trying to sell. You're welcome to my 2002
Fanatic Cross 100 if you want it.... As soon as I've found something to replace it with!!
Glad the toyboxes are now more to your liking! 

URL: Pixelwave Design - Website Design Wales
Shop: Website Templates
Personal Weblog: A Simple Life of Luxury in West Wales
posted on 25-9-2004 at 11:25 |
You can now 'delete' kit from the toyboxes as well.... Don't worry, the kit details will still show up in diary entries where it was

URL: Pixelwave Design - Website Design Wales
Shop: Website Templates
Personal Weblog: A Simple Life of Luxury in West Wales
posted on 28-10-2006 at 12:37 |
Quite while back I removed the ability to view your previously owned kit in the Toyboxes.... MartinF noticed this and asked me to
reinstate it... It was quite a long time ago that he asked me to reinstate it, but I haven't had time to do it until today....
So, now when you view you own toyboxes, the data at the top showing you how many toys you own should once again be accurate, displaying
a list of the number of boards sails, kites etc that you currently own. There should then be a list of all the items you currently own,
along with their descriptions etc and then at the bottom of that list should be a list of all the items you have previously owned.
When you view someone lese Toybox you won't see the previously owned items.
It is about time I revamped the toyboxes section completely... Maybe one day when I have the time I could incorporate it with a kit
review section as well.... We'll see.

URL: Pixelwave Design - Website Design Wales
Shop: Website Templates
Personal Weblog: A Simple Life of Luxury in West Wales