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Member #: 29 Posts 64
Registered: 4-8-2002 Location: Land Locked Member Is Offline Mood: Chilled as hell
posted on 16-2-2005 at 21:29 |
Hi Al,
Sorry long time since I was last on but have been busy with work spending every other week on the road travelling the country for
work!! Was thinking if you have time in your busy schedule that maybe it would be a good time to update the people page and ask/get
photos of everybody who frequents Borth/site on a regular occurance.

posted on 16-2-2005 at 21:43 |
Yep, I've been thinking about what to do with that section for a while.. and a couple of the other 'old' sections. Trouble with the
people one is that there is already a 'profile' of all the members on the site that people can update themselves... What would be nice
though would be a more detailed description with photos etc. and then liks to that individuals diary, toybox, force-of-nature
questionnaire, recent forum posts etc...
I haven't got time to do it at the mo, and won't have until a month or so after the baby arives I shouldn't think... But it is on my
list of things to do, along with a much improved photo gallery section with a good list of galleries that allow members to post their
own photos to the galleries and have their own personal photo album too... I'm also tempted to get rid of the 'places' section
altogether as the beachguide should replace that and build a decent database driven video/book review section as well..
All in good time!!... I'll have a better think about the people section though.... If you have any ideas post them here.

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