posted on 12-3-2006 at 19:23 |
Weekly Weather Report From Borth
I've been working on getting the Weather Station to
generate a weekly weather report, so here it is:
Weekly weather report From Borth and Ynyslas
Average temperature: 6.2¬?C
Average windspeed: 9kts
Average gustspeed: 13kts
Average humidity: 3.5%
Average barometer: 1008.8hpa
Maximum temperature: 10.1¬?C
Minimum temperature: -0.9¬?C
Maxiumum windspeed: 31kts
Maximum gustspeed: 37kts
Maximum humidity: 90.0%
Minimum humidity: 0.0%
Maximum barometer: 1024.0hpa
Minimum barometer: 991.9hpa
The minimum humidity is obviously wrong, but that was due to a brief power cut!!
I'll try to remember to post it each week, but won't promise to do so... Those who are registered to the weather station can have it
automagically e-mailed to them directly from the weather station computer itself if they wish... Just u2u me and let me know if you
want to receive it.

URL: Pixelwave Design - Website Design Wales
Shop: Website Templates
Personal Weblog: A Simple Life of Luxury in West Wales
posted on 19-3-2006 at 18:30 |
No power cuts or anything this week so the weather station has been up and running 24/7 and recording data every second.
I've bought a new monitor for the weather station computer which should arive this week, so I might stop the computer for a few minutes
one day while I sort out the new set-up.
Weekly weather report from Borth and YnyslasN
Average temperature: 4.7¬?C
Average windspeed: 12kts
Average gustspeed: 16kts
Average humidity: 79.5%
Average barometer: 1022.0hpa
Maximum temperature: 10.6¬?C
Minimum temperature: 0.5¬?C
Maxiumum windspeed: 30kts
Maximum gustspeed: 38kts
Maximum humidity: 96.0%
Minimum humidity: 65.0%
Maximum barometer: 1028.6hpa
Minimum barometer: 1015.6hpa
Time of Weather report: 12:03:23 Date of report: 19/03/2006

URL: Pixelwave Design - Website Design Wales
Shop: Website Templates
Personal Weblog: A Simple Life of Luxury in West Wales
posted on 26-3-2006 at 21:04 |
Another trouble free week, except when I switched everything off for a couple of minutes to set up a new computer, and sort out a new
display. (hence to 0% humidity at one point!)
Weekly weather report from Borth and Ynyslas
Average temperature: 6.3¬?C
Average windspeed: 11kts
Average gustspeed: 14kts
Average humidity: 62.3%
Average barometer: 1004.5hpa
Maximum temperature: 13.2¬?C
Minimum temperature: -0.9¬?C
Maxiumum windspeed: 30kts
Maximum gustspeed: 34kts
Maximum humidity: 97.0%
Minimum humidity: 0.0%
Maximum barometer: 1016.9hpa
Minimum barometer: 983.3hpa
Time of Weather report: 12:03:24 Date of report: 26/03/2006

URL: Pixelwave Design - Website Design Wales
Shop: Website Templates
Personal Weblog: A Simple Life of Luxury in West Wales
posted on 2-4-2006 at 17:51 |
Everything running smoothly again this week... almost half a million data packets received by the computer without any missed!
Weekly weather report
Average temperature: 9.6¬?C
Average windspeed: 13kts
Average gustspeed: 17kts
Average humidity: 86.8%
Average barometer: 996.4hpa
Maximum temperature: 13.9¬?C
Minimum temperature: 6.6¬?C
Maxiumum windspeed: 29kts
Maximum gustspeed: 40kts
Maximum humidity: 96.0%
Minimum humidity: 68.0%
Maximum barometer: 1004.2hpa
Minimum barometer: 981.7hpa
Time of Weather report: 12:03:19 Date of report: 02/04/2006

URL: Pixelwave Design - Website Design Wales
Shop: Website Templates
Personal Weblog: A Simple Life of Luxury in West Wales
posted on 16-4-2006 at 13:32 |
All running fine... and a pretty good week all in all.
Weekly weather report from Borth and Ynyslas
Average temperature: 8.4¬?C
Average windspeed: 10kts
Average gustspeed: 13kts
Average humidity: 82.0%
Average barometer: 1013.0hpa
Maximum temperature: 12.3¬?C
Minimum temperature: -1.4¬?C
Maxiumum windspeed: 28kts
Maximum gustspeed: 35kts
Maximum humidity: 98.0%
Minimum humidity: 46.0%
Maximum barometer: 1025.3hpa
Minimum barometer: 1004.7hpa
Time of Weather report: 12:03:22 Date of report: 16/04/2006

URL: Pixelwave Design - Website Design Wales
Shop: Website Templates
Personal Weblog: A Simple Life of Luxury in West Wales
posted on 23-4-2006 at 16:42 |
The weather station is up and running but I am having a few ISP problems meaning that FTP is really slow so sometimes the files aren't
gettig uploaded to the weather station as they should. They do get through most of the time, so it is up and running, just a little
tempermental, and the sttion and software are functioning fine so no data is getting lost.
Anyone know of a decent (and cheap) ISP??
Weekly weather report
Average temperature: 10.2?Ǭ?C
Average windspeed: 8kts
Average gustspeed: 11kts
Average humidity: 86.8%
Average barometer: 1013.3hpa
Maximum temperature: 17.3?Ǭ?C
Minimum temperature: 4.5?Ǭ?C
Maxiumum windspeed: 22kts
Maximum gustspeed: 27kts
Maximum humidity: 98.0%
Minimum humidity: 63.0%
Maximum barometer: 1021.1hpa
Minimum barometer: 1007.6hpa
Time of Weather report: 12:03:23 Date of report: 23/04/2006

URL: Pixelwave Design - Website Design Wales
Shop: Website Templates
Personal Weblog: A Simple Life of Luxury in West Wales
posted on 9-5-2006 at 07:47 |
Weekly weather report
Average temperature: 11.4¬?C
Average windspeed: 8kts
Average gustspeed: 11kts
Average humidity: 78.0%
Average barometer: 1010.7hpa
Maximum temperature: 24.3¬?C
Minimum temperature: 4.6¬?C
Maxiumum windspeed: 27kts
Maximum gustspeed: 33kts
Maximum humidity: 96.0%
Minimum humidity: 46.0%
Maximum barometer: 1021.1hpa
Minimum barometer: 996.8hpa
Time of Weather report: 12:03:23 Date of report: 07/05/2006

URL: Pixelwave Design - Website Design Wales
Shop: Website Templates
Personal Weblog: A Simple Life of Luxury in West Wales
posted on 14-5-2006 at 20:18 |
The humidity sensor is broken, so I'm looking into getting a new one. Everything else is working fine though, so here's the weekly
report, whuch hasn't been great as far as the wind is concerned:
Weekly weather report
Average temperature: 12.7¬?C
Average windspeed: 5kts
Average gustspeed: 7kts
Average humidity: 95.6%
Average barometer: 1016.7hpa
Maximum temperature: 20.4¬?C
Minimum temperature: 4.6¬?C
Maxiumum windspeed: 19kts
Maximum gustspeed: 24kts
Maximum humidity: 100.0%
Minimum humidity: 66.0%
Maximum barometer: 1021.2hpa
Minimum barometer: 1008.9hpa
Time of Weather report: 12:03:29 Date of report: 14/05/2006

URL: Pixelwave Design - Website Design Wales
Shop: Website Templates
Personal Weblog: A Simple Life of Luxury in West Wales
posted on 22-5-2006 at 06:33 |
I've got a new humidity sensor, I'm now waiting for a nice day to get up the pole and replace it.
Weekly weather report
Average temperature: 13.0¬?C
Average windspeed: 11kts
Average gustspeed: 14kts
Average humidity: 100.0%
Average barometer: 1004.4hpa
Maximum temperature: 16.7¬?C
Minimum temperature: 9.6¬?C
Maxiumum windspeed: 37kts
Maximum gustspeed: 42kts
Maximum humidity: 100.0%
Minimum humidity: 100.0%
Maximum barometer: 1020.6hpa
Minimum barometer: 985.1hpa
Time of Weather report: 12:03:24 Date of report: 21/05/2006

URL: Pixelwave Design - Website Design Wales
Shop: Website Templates
Personal Weblog: A Simple Life of Luxury in West Wales
posted on 30-5-2006 at 08:49 |
Weekly weather report
Average temperature: 11.2¬?C
Average windspeed: 11kts
Average gustspeed: 14kts
Average humidity: 100.0%
Average barometer: 1009.8hpa
Maximum temperature: 15.8¬?C
Minimum temperature: 3.3¬?C
Maxiumum windspeed: 32kts
Maximum gustspeed: 38kts
Maximum humidity: 100.0%
Minimum humidity: 100.0%
Maximum barometer: 1023.1hpa
Minimum barometer: 980.7hpa
Time of Weather report: 12:03:23 Date of report: 28/05/2006

URL: Pixelwave Design - Website Design Wales
Shop: Website Templates
Personal Weblog: A Simple Life of Luxury in West Wales
posted on 4-6-2006 at 14:06 |
I've now replaced the humidity sensor and things are once again fully operational.
Weekly weather report
Average temperature: 11.4¬?C
Average windspeed: 7kts
Average gustspeed: 9kts
Average humidity: 93.6%
Average barometer: 1026.9hpa
Maximum temperature: 20.4¬?C
Minimum temperature: 1.5¬?C
Maxiumum windspeed: 25kts
Maximum gustspeed: 33kts
Maximum humidity: 100.0%
Minimum humidity: 52.0%
Maximum barometer: 1032.5hpa
Minimum barometer: 1016.6hpa
Time of Weather report: 12:03:23 Date of report: 04/06/2006

URL: Pixelwave Design - Website Design Wales
Shop: Website Templates
Personal Weblog: A Simple Life of Luxury in West Wales
posted on 11-6-2006 at 21:12 |
Weekly weather report
Average temperature: 17.7¬?C
Average windspeed: 5kts
Average gustspeed: 8kts
Average humidity: 73.2%
Average barometer: 1023.5hpa
Maximum temperature: 27.1¬?C
Minimum temperature: 8.1¬?C
Maxiumum windspeed: 27kts
Maximum gustspeed: 34kts
Maximum humidity: 100.0%
Minimum humidity: 38.0%
Maximum barometer: 1029.8hpa
Minimum barometer: 1012.2hpa
Time of Weather report: 12:03:25 Date of report: 11/06/2006

URL: Pixelwave Design - Website Design Wales
Shop: Website Templates
Personal Weblog: A Simple Life of Luxury in West Wales
posted on 18-6-2006 at 17:48 |
Weekly weather report
Average temperature: 15.3¬?C
Average windspeed: 5kts
Average gustspeed: 7kts
Average humidity: 52.7%
Average barometer: 1020.1hpa
Maximum temperature: 20.2¬?C
Minimum temperature: 8.8¬?C
Maxiumum windspeed: 23kts
Maximum gustspeed: 26kts
Maximum humidity: 95.0%
Minimum humidity: 0.0%
Maximum barometer: 1023.6hpa
Minimum barometer: 1011.0hpa
Time of Weather report: 12:03:24 Date of report: 18/06/2006

URL: Pixelwave Design - Website Design Wales
Shop: Website Templates
Personal Weblog: A Simple Life of Luxury in West Wales
posted on 25-6-2006 at 16:04 |
You getting bored of it yet??
All working fine this week.
Weekly weather report
Average temperature: 14.5¬?C
Average windspeed: 11kts
Average gustspeed: 14kts
Average humidity: 80.3%
Average barometer: 1011.5hpa
Maximum temperature: 19.4¬?C
Minimum temperature: 8.8¬?C
Maxiumum windspeed: 33kts
Maximum gustspeed: 39kts
Maximum humidity: 98.0%
Minimum humidity: 59.0%
Maximum barometer: 1017.9hpa
Minimum barometer: 1004.4hpa
Time of Weather report: 12:03:40 Date of report: 25/06/2006

URL: Pixelwave Design - Website Design Wales
Shop: Website Templates
Personal Weblog: A Simple Life of Luxury in West Wales
posted on 2-7-2006 at 11:04 |
Weekly weather report
Average temperature: 15.9¬?C
Average windspeed: 4kts
Average gustspeed: 6kts
Average humidity: 84.6%
Average barometer: 1018.8hpa
Maximum temperature: 21.7¬?C
Minimum temperature: 9.0¬?C
Maxiumum windspeed: 16kts
Maximum gustspeed: 22kts
Maximum humidity: 97.0%
Minimum humidity: 58.0%
Maximum barometer: 1024.2hpa
Minimum barometer: 1013.1hpa
Time of Weather report: 12:03:24 Date of report: 02/07/2006

URL: Pixelwave Design - Website Design Wales
Shop: Website Templates
Personal Weblog: A Simple Life of Luxury in West Wales
posted on 9-7-2006 at 12:34 |
All running well this week, excpet for the odd power cut and the phones lines going down now and then.... Not a lot I can do about that
I'm afraid.. You'll have to take it up with Manweb and BT!
Weekly weather report
Average temperature: 18.0¬?C
Average windspeed: 8kts
Average gustspeed: 11kts
Average humidity: 82.7%
Average barometer: 1014.5hpa
Maximum temperature: 26.9¬?C
Minimum temperature: 13.7¬?C
Maxiumum windspeed: 27kts
Maximum gustspeed: 33kts
Maximum humidity: 95.0%
Minimum humidity: 54.0%
Maximum barometer: 1019.5hpa
Minimum barometer: 1002.3hpa
Time of Weather report: 12:03:22 Date of report: 09/07/2006

URL: Pixelwave Design - Website Design Wales
Shop: Website Templates
Personal Weblog: A Simple Life of Luxury in West Wales
posted on 16-7-2006 at 13:59 |
No problems to report and no records either, although humidity has been low and we've had a fair amount of wind!
Weekly weather report
Average temperature: 16.6¬?C
Average windspeed: 10kts
Average gustspeed: 13kts
Average humidity: 77.0%
Average barometer: 1024.3hpa
Maximum temperature: 26.3¬?C
Minimum temperature: 10.4¬?C
Maxiumum windspeed: 30kts
Maximum gustspeed: 35kts
Maximum humidity: 99.0%
Minimum humidity: 35.0%
Maximum barometer: 1032.6hpa
Minimum barometer: 1002.3hpa
Time of Weather report: 12:03:29 Date of report: 16/07/2006

URL: Pixelwave Design - Website Design Wales
Shop: Website Templates
Personal Weblog: A Simple Life of Luxury in West Wales
posted on 23-7-2006 at 20:06 |
A record breaking week this week.... 33.7¬?C max, strangely matched by a top speed of 33.7 knots by me on Wednesday morning in the
Weekly weather report
Average temperature: 20.1¬?C
Average windspeed: 6kts
Average gustspeed: 8kts
Average humidity: 74.0%
Average barometer: 1019.5hpa
Maximum temperature: 33.7¬?C
Minimum temperature: 11.8¬?C
Maxiumum windspeed: 21kts
Maximum gustspeed: 30kts
Maximum humidity: 95.0%
Minimum humidity: 26.0%
Maximum barometer: 1028.6hpa
Minimum barometer: 1012.3hpa
Time of Weather report: 12:03:29 Date of report: 23/07/2006

URL: Pixelwave Design - Website Design Wales
Shop: Website Templates
Personal Weblog: A Simple Life of Luxury in West Wales
posted on 6-8-2006 at 15:32 |
Average temperature: 17.2¬?C
Average windspeed: 10kts
Average gustspeed: 14kts
Average humidity: 80.0%
Average barometer: 1013.9hpa
Maximum temperature: 21.8¬?C
Minimum temperature: 13.6¬?C
Maxiumum windspeed: 30kts
Maximum gustspeed: 35kts
Maximum humidity: 95.0%
Minimum humidity: 63.0%
Maximum barometer: 1023.4hpa
Minimum barometer: 1003.4hpa
Time of Weather report: 12:03:24 Date of report: 06/08/2006

URL: Pixelwave Design - Website Design Wales
Shop: Website Templates
Personal Weblog: A Simple Life of Luxury in West Wales
posted on 13-8-2006 at 15:43 |
My ADSl Router blew up yesterday so the uploading of weather data from the weather station wasn't working as I couldn't get an internet
connection... I've been out and bought a new one though and it is back up and running.... Here's the weekly weather report.
Weekly weather report
Average temperature: 15.8¬?C
Average windspeed: 8kts
Average gustspeed: 11kts
Average humidity: 0.1%
Average barometer: 1019.5hpa
Maximum temperature: 22.8¬?C
Minimum temperature: 8.7¬?C
Maxiumum windspeed: 21kts
Maximum gustspeed: 29kts
Maximum humidity: 70.0%
Minimum humidity: 0.0%
Maximum barometer: 1025.3hpa
Minimum barometer: 1014.0hpa
Time of Weather report: 12:03:25 Date of report: 13/08/2006

URL: Pixelwave Design - Website Design Wales
Shop: Website Templates
Personal Weblog: A Simple Life of Luxury in West Wales