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windsurf, Kitesurf, Waves, Surf, Sunset

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Shouldn't mention this.. snoozer11 4 2738
2-7-2012 at 22:49
by shem
Aberdyfi down winder on Friday? shem 0 2487
1-7-2012 at 15:16
by justal
Back at it! justal -1 1960
22-6-2012 at 19:43
by justal
Anyone out today? justal 0 2206
22-6-2012 at 09:22
by snoozer11
Kitesurf Races Aberdyfi 23/24 June rupert 1 2739
16-6-2012 at 10:23
by rupert
are roads open col123 4 2419
16-6-2012 at 08:38
by col123
No wind toys col123 3 4073
15-6-2012 at 13:18
by col123
not another holiday with naff weather! mNeil 4 2671
10-6-2012 at 12:34
by mNeil
Evacuation Borth! justal 0 1990
9-6-2012 at 09:08
by justal
ITU Triathlon world Championships - Here I come! justal 1 2655
30-5-2012 at 21:50
by Spooker
whos out this weekend col123 8 2964
25-5-2012 at 22:15
by Pocket Rocket
Who got out today? Have you seen the forecast for the weekend justal 11 3098
13-5-2012 at 17:33
by snoozer11
ouch col123 2 2445
2-5-2012 at 20:16
by bucski
Double Figures justal 1 2178
25-4-2012 at 11:08
by justal
will he wont he col123 4 3472
19-4-2012 at 21:09
by Blaschito
4 seasons in one week justal 0 2154
9-4-2012 at 16:59
by shem
A Sup video from last weeks swell shem -1 1926
6-4-2012 at 16:33
by shem
Looking for Participants marct -1 2018
5-4-2012 at 15:28
by marct
Looking Good justal 0 2314
3-4-2012 at 22:01
by chase
cheap UK source G4 LED replacement interior lights for vans mNeil 1 2935
22-3-2012 at 10:48
by mNeil
It's Windy!! justal -1 1676
22-3-2012 at 07:55
by justal
Happy Birthday Spooker mNeil 4 2110
11-3-2012 at 18:16
by bucski
down hill skating shem -1 1775
11-3-2012 at 15:28
by shem
Going for another downwinder rastapete -1 1764
8-3-2012 at 13:56
by rastapete
new in Cabarete Dominican Republic loupiot77 -1 1808
1-3-2012 at 12:44
by loupiot77
FOG BUGGYING flyingrabbit 0 1809
24-2-2012 at 16:06
by justal
MTBing Tonight justal -1 1320
15-2-2012 at 08:22
by justal
Bonaire video editing competition flummoxed 5 2041
10-2-2012 at 15:00
by flyingrabbit
Snow??? justal 8 2553
8-2-2012 at 11:52
by foreversurf
Ivor's a blowin' justal 0 1305
8-2-2012 at 10:32
by justal
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