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windsurf, Kitesurf, Waves, Surf, Sunset

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Whos out at the Weekend BRS Kitefish 3 2020
24-10-2011 at 13:37
by Spooker
Pennal Cycle path to Machynlleth, please like this page shem -1 1400
24-10-2011 at 13:05
by shem
Here comes the wind again justal 3 1702
18-10-2011 at 20:08
by justal
Here comes the weekend justal 5 1683
9-10-2011 at 14:31
by justal
Weds & Thurs justal 5 1714
6-10-2011 at 09:40
by justal
Who's out tomorrow justal 0 1654
3-10-2011 at 18:16
by justal
What a day! justal 3 1736
30-9-2011 at 21:07
by justal
Beach Clean justal -1 1608
28-9-2011 at 07:22
by justal
Wednesday 21st Sept justal 12 2180
22-9-2011 at 19:51
by shem
Autumn's Here justal 4 2156
18-9-2011 at 15:33
by mNeil
Diesel Spill justal 3 2486
8-9-2011 at 20:06
by bucski
Here we go...... justal 8 2597
7-9-2011 at 06:48
by justal
Ivor?? shem 2 1884
23-8-2011 at 05:17
by justal
Wind at Last justal 8 2326
10-8-2011 at 18:22
by snoozer11
Dogcam Sport Helmet Camera Discount justal -1 2639
9-8-2011 at 05:30
by justal
Weekend Aug 6th Graham 2 2209
6-8-2011 at 15:05
by justal
Kitesurfing Turkey Kitefish -1 2270
5-8-2011 at 07:39
by Kitefish
Flag beach fuerte shem 1 2558
3-8-2011 at 07:11
by dunk
Who's out this weekend justal 4 2904
17-7-2011 at 11:30
by Spooker
wooden surfboard building class paulitspaul -1 2265
15-7-2011 at 06:27
by paulitspaul
Dovey Estuary Gamb 1 2233
12-7-2011 at 19:05
by mNeil
wedding party dazzamuffin 4 2413
8-7-2011 at 02:48
by Dandine
Boardwise Aberdovey Windsurf Demo - July 2011 justal 3 2319
6-7-2011 at 04:13
by justal
SAS Sewage Alert Service justal -1 1799
1-7-2011 at 04:52
by justal
Borth Maritime Exclusion Zone justal -1 1709
28-6-2011 at 09:40
by justal
Borth Beach Clean - July 9th justal -1 1289
28-6-2011 at 09:26
by justal
Ho ho ho, he he he I'm a laughing gnome and you cant catch me Spooker 13 2586
25-6-2011 at 18:29
by bucski
NE for the weekend justal 1 1780
8-6-2011 at 11:17
by justal
Nice out there! justal -1 1346
28-5-2011 at 07:47
by justal
Who's out this week? justal 11 2562
26-5-2011 at 08:20
by Dandine
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